We’re Just Wild About Jessa Bray of Cherrywood Lane

A getting-to-know-you Q&A with Jessa Bray.

Ask the Artist

Jessa is a quirky, creative force and fearless mother of three. Her faith, fortitude, and ability to bring others joy guide her.

What is your favorite holiday?

Christmas: half because of Jesus, a quarter because Tim Allen became Santa Claus, and a quarter for all things peppermint.

Have you illustrated any books?

To date, I have illustrated four book covers. Growing Boldly, When Less Becomes MoreSure as the Sunrise, and Near in the Night, all by Emily Ley

Do you prefer cake or pie?

I love pie. I once snuck into a pie competition, found a staff shirt, and judged and sampled slices all day.

Do you prefer to draw people, places, or things?  

Florals are my favorite. Their movement and their color are just all-around inspiring.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I am pretty fantastic in the kitchen. My husband even suggested we open a restaurant, but I prefer to serve my family and friends.

How did you get your start as an artist?

I began as an artist in ink and continued to practice calligraphy and lettering as a way of spreading positivity and my faith. 

What is your favorite expression?

“A rising tide lifts all boats.”

See Jessa’s Profile >